喬納森·沙利文(英語:Jonathan Sullivan),漢名蘇利文,英國政治學者、中國研究專家、《國家利益》《南華早報》等刊物的時事評論專欄作家,2010年獲諾丁漢大學博士學位[1]。現任諾丁漢大學中國研究學院院長、高級研究員、當代中國研究副教授[2][3]。他是諾丁漢大學亞洲研究所《中國足球觀察》(China Soccer Observatory)刊物的創辦人[4]以及《中國季刊》(The China Quarterly)執委會成員[5]。他是不列顛科學協會(British Science Association)的媒體研究員,曾在英國廣播公司(BBC)工作[1]。利茲大學中國研究專業畢業後,他在東亞生活和工作了10年,期間在台灣工作了5年,會說流利的中文。其研究主要集中在中國大陸、台灣和其他東亞地區有關政治傳播學的各個方面[2]




  • 魯班工坊將使得中國和發展中國家的聯繫更加緊密,從而在地緣經濟上占據優勢。北京將這個區域視為與美國競爭的重要一環。「你不能責怪發展中國家接受提供的資源,如果中國是唯一的提供者,他們自然會接受中國的資源」,「你也不能責怪中國,如果發展中國家對這些項目的需求或胃口為零,那麼沒有人會報名參加,這些項目就會慢慢消亡」,蘇利文認為,最好的方法就是西方世界提供一個與魯班工坊媲美的項目,進行良性競爭[6]
  • 孔子學院對於西方大學學術自由的威脅被誇大了[7]
  • 中國文創產品大熱,國風潮流出圈的背後有中國人的愛國因素。「在外交關係上的逆風、對『國內經濟流動』(domestic economic flow)和『雙循環』(dual circulation)的談論,再加上新疆棉花風波,消費中國製造的產品已經成為一種愛國義務,或者是一種展示愛國主義的方式。」[8]



  • Sullivan, J. and Lee, C. Eds. (2018) A New Era in Democratic Taiwan: Trajectories and Turning Points in Politics and Cross-Strait Relations. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Sullivan, J. Ed. (2018) China’s Football Dream. Nottingham: Asia Research Institute e-Book.


  • Sullivan, J. (2019) The co-evolution of media and politics in Taiwan: Implications for political communications. International Journal of Taiwan Studies.
  • Sullivan, J. (2017) China Scholars and Twitter. The China Quarterly 229.
  • Sullivan, J. (2014) China scholars and the media. The China Quarterly 220: 1111-1122.
  • Sullivan, J. (2014) Technology, creativity and the media in engineering China’s future. New Media & Society 16(3): 527-33.
  • Sullivan, J. (2014) Democracy in the age of negativity, abundance and hybridity. Taiwan Journal of Democracy 10(2): 165-82.
  • Sullivan, J. (2014) China’s Weibo: Is faster different? New Media & Society 16(1): 24-37.
  • Sullivan, J. (2014) Country Focus: China. Political Insight 5(1): 10-14.
  • Sullivan, J. (2013). Electronic resources in the study of elite political behaviour in Taiwan. The China Quarterly 203: 172-188
  • Sullivan, J. (2013) Taiwan’s 2012 presidential election. Political Studies Review 11(1): 65-74.
  • Sullivan, J. (2012) External engagement in Taiwan Studies. Issues and Studies 48(2): 195-215.
  • Sullivan, J. (2012) Teaching Chinese politics: Microblogging and student engagement. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 17(4) 1-15.
  • Sullivan, J. (2012). A Tale of Two Microblogs in China. Media, Culture & Society 34(6): 773-83.
  • Sullivan, J. (2011). Is Taiwan Studies in decline? The China Quarterly 207: 706-18.
  • Sullivan, J. (2011). Trying to make a connection: Bloggers in the Legislative Yuan. American Journal of Chinese Studies, 18(2): 81-96.
  • Sullivan, J. (2010). Legislators』 blogs in Taiwan. Parliamentary Affairs 63(3): 471-85.
  • Sullivan, J. (2009). Defending negativity? Evidence from campaigns in Taiwan. East Asia: An International Quarterly 26(4): 305-20.
  • Sullivan, J. (2009). Campaign advertising in Taiwanese presidential elections. Journal of Contemporary China 18 (61): 675-88.
  • Sullivan, J. (2008). Campaign advertising and democracy in Taiwan. The China Quarterly 196: 900-11.


  • Sullivan, J., Ross, T and C. Wu. (2022) Representing the Nation: Exploring attitudes toward naturalized foreign football players in China. Soccer & Society.
  • Sullivan, J. and Wang, W. (2022) China’s 「wolf warrior diplomacy:」 The interaction of formal diplomacy and cyber-nationalism. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs.
  • Sullivan, J., Jeu, S. and Wang, W (2021) Rising Cyber China. Turkish Policy Quarterly.
  • Sullivan, J., Chadwick, S., Zhao, Y and Gow, M. (2021) Chinese Fans』 Engagement with Football: Transnationalism, Authenticity and Identity. Journal of Global Sport Management
  • Cockayne, D, Chadwick, S. and Sullivan, J. (2021) Chinese Football – From a State-Led Past to a Digital Future. Journal of Global Sport Management
  • Hesketh, C. and Sullivan, J. (2020) The Production of Leisure: Understanding the Social Function of Football Development in China. Globalizations.
  • Sullivan, J. and Zhao, Y. (2019) Rappers as Knights-Errant: Classic Allusions in the Mainstreaming of Chinese Rap. Popular Music & Society.
  • Sullivan, J., Chadwick, S. and Gow, M. (2019) China’s Football Dream: Sport, Citizenship, Symbolic Power and Civic Spaces. Journal of Sport & Social Issues.
  • Sullivan, J. and Cheng, J. (2018) Contextualizing Chinese migrations to Africa. Journal of Asian and African Studies.
  • Sullivan, J. and Lee, D. S. (2018) Soft Power Runs Into Popular Geopolitics: Western Media Frames Democratic Taiwan. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 1(2): 273–300.
  • Sullivan, J. and Kehoe, S. (2018). 「Truth, good and beauty:」 The politics of celebrity in China. The China Quarterly 236.
  • Rawnsley, M. Y., Smyth, J. and Sullivan, J. (2016) Taiwanese media reform. British Journal of Chinese Studies Vol. 6.
  • Sullivan, J. and Smyth, J. (2016) Taiwan’s 2016 presidential and legislative elections. British Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol 6.
  • Rawnsley, M. T. and Sullivan, J. (2016) Il sistema dei media a Taiwan. Orizzonte Cina 7(1).
  • Sullivan, J. and Chen, J. (2015) Ethnicities in Sinophone Cyberspace. Asian Ethnicity 16(3).
  • Horesh, N., Kim, H., Mauch, P. and Sullivan, J. (2014) Is my rival’s rival a friend? Popular third-party perceptions of territorial disputes in East Asia. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 32(1): 1-25.
  • Horesh, N. and Sullivan, J. (2014) Examining The End of Revolution: A Foretaste of Wang Hui’s Thought. China Report 50(2): 151-60.
  • Renz B. and Sullivan J. (2013) Russia’s tweeting governors: Making a connection in the provinces? East European Politics 29(2): 135-51.
  • Sullivan, J. and Sapir, E. (2013) Strategic cross-Strait discourse: Comparing three presidential terms. China Information 27(1): 11-30.
  • Renz, B. and Sullivan, J. (2013) Electronic data in Russian politics research. Europe-Asia Studies 65(10): 1898-1911.
  • Sapir, E., Sullivan, J. and Veen T. (2013)  Scale matters: Addressing the limited robustness of findings on negative advertising. Japanese Journal of Political Science 14(4): 521-541 .
  • Fell, D., Sapir, E. and Sullivan, J. (2013) Taiwanese parties』 candidate selection in the aftermath of the change of ruling parties. Taiwan Journal of Democracy 9(2): 55-77.
  • Sullivan, J. and Sapir, E. (2012) Ma Ying-jeou’s presidential discourse. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 2012 (3): 1-34.
  • Sullivan, J. and Renz, B. (2012) Representing China in the South Pacific. East Asia 29: 377-390.
  • Sullivan, J. and Seiler-Holmer, G. (2012) Comparing newspaper coverage of China in the South Pacific. Asia-Pacific Viewpoint 53(2): 196-204.
  • Sullivan, J. and Sapir, E. (2012). Modeling negative campaign advertising: Evidence from Taiwan. Asian Journal of Communication 64(1): 289-303
  • Sullivan, J. and Sapir, E. (2012) Nasty or nice? Explaining positive and negative campaigning in Taiwan. The China Journal 67: 149-68.
  • Sullivan, J. and Seiler-Holmer, G. (2011). Mapping the Taiwan Studies field. Issues and Studies 47 (3): 1-27.
  • Sullivan, J. and Cheon, S. (2011). Reconnecting representatives in two East Asian democracies. East Asia: An International Quarterly 28(1): 21-36.
  • Sullivan, J., Li, Y. T., James, P. and Drury, A. C. (2011) An Exchange on 「Diversionary Dragons, or 『Talking Tough in Taipei』」. Journal of East Asian Studies 11(1): 137-52.
  • Sullivan, J. and Lowe, W. (2010). Chen Shui-bian: On independence. The China Quarterly 203: 619-38.
  • Sullivan, J. and Renz, B. (2010). Chinese migration: Still the major focus of Russian Far East/Chinese Northeast relations? The Pacific Review 23(2): 261-85.
  • Sullivan, J. and Xie, L. (2009). Environmental activism, social networks and the internet. The China Quarterly 198: 422-32.
  • Veen, T. and Sullivan, J. (2009). News sources and decision-making in the EU Council. Government and Opposition 44(4): 471-75.
  • Sullivan, J. and Veen, T. (2009). The Council of Ministers: Shedding light on an opaque institution. Government and Opposition 44(1): 113-23.
  • Sullivan, J. and Selck, T. (2007). Political preferences, revealed positions and strategic votes: Explaining decision-making in the EU Council. Journal of European Public Policy 14(7): 1150-61.


  • Sullivan, J. (2021) China and Afghanistan after US withdrawal. In Landman (ed) Afghanistan: Prospects and Challenges.
  • Sullivan, J. (2015) Taiwanese Democracy. In Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies. Tim Wright ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Sullivan, J. (2011). Election campaigning since the martial law era. In D. Blundell (Ed.)Taiwan Since Martial Law: Economics, Politics, Society. (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press), pp. 348-74.


  • Sullivan, J. and Drun, J. (2021) The United States and Taiwan: Foundations and challenges of the One China Policy. In Turner et al eds Routledge Handbook of US policy in the Indo Pacific.
  • Sullivan, J. and Lee, D. S. (2021) Situating Tsai Ing-wen’s First Term: Three Decades of Presidential Discourse in Taiwan. In Schubert and Lee eds Taiwan During the First Administration of Tsai Ing-wen. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Chadwick, S. and Sullivan, J. (2018). Football in China. In Chadwick et al (eds) Handbook of Football Business and Management. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Sullivan, J. and Smyth, J. (2018). The KMT’s China policy: Gains and failures. In: Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu in Taiwan: Hopeful Beginning, Hopeless End? Edited by André Beckershoff and Gunter Schubert. Abingdon: Routledge. PP. 17-36.
  • Sullivan, J. et al. (2018). The Media in democratic Taiwan. In Sullivan, J. & Lee C. Y. Eds A New Democratic Era in Taiwan. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Rich, T. and Sullivan, J. (2016) Elections and the Electoral System. In Handbook of Modern Taiwan Politics and Society. Gunter Schubert ed. London: Routledge.
  • Horesh, N. and Sullivan, J. (2014) Shanghai. In Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies. Tim Wright ed. New York: Oxford University Press.



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